Mt. Vernon City Council met June 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The Mt. Vernon City Council held a Regular City Council Meeting on Monday, June 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building, Veterans Park, 800 South 27th Street, Mt. Vernon, IL.
Mayor John Lewis called the meeting to order.
Ed Sprinkle from the Church of the Nazarene gave the Invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:
Roll call showed present: Council Member Jeff May, Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Jim Rippy, Council Member Mike Young, and Mayor John Lewis.
Presentation of Journals:
The Journal for the June 5, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting was presented to Council for any additions, deletions or corrections. Council Member Donte Moore made a motion to approve the journals as presented. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
Visitors/Citizens Requests/Addresses from the Audience:
Shirley Riley spoke against leaf burning. She said that there are many other alternatives besides leaf burning such as mulching. The ban on leaf burning needs to remain because people still have heart, lung, and breathing health problems. Burning causes reduced visibility, safety hazards, and nuisances. It creates additional demands on local police and fire departments.
Roger Jacobs spoke against leaf burning. He said that the City should not go backwards and purposely pollute the air that we breathe.
Brian Franklin spoke for leaf burning and against a complete ban on burning. He feels that the ban takes away everyone’s rights on their personal property. He asked if the City could find a couple of days each month for burning. Franklin, 9th District Committee Member, explained that the biggest concern in his district, is the cost of land waste bags and the cost of hiring someone to remove leaves. He feels that there should be a safe tolerable way to burn leaves.
John Menke requested that Shirley Riley read his objection to leaf burning. He cited a post from Facebook that stated that since we pay for year-round yard waste pickup, why do citizens need to burn leaves knowing that it could cause our friends and neighbors serious health issues. Burning leaves is not a necessity, but breathing is.
Approval of Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable:
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the Consolidated Vouchers for approval. Council Member Jeff May complimented City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel on keeping overtime costs down. Bechtel stated that Department Heads are working hard and currently very few employees are off work due to illness or injury.
Council Member Jeff May made a motion to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $918,284.62. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
Bids & Quotes:
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported on the bids received for the Harlan Road and Brownsville Road Storm Sewer Project. Six bids were received. Haier Plumbing and Heating Inc. of Okawville, IL was the low bidder at $191,421.90. The bid is below the engineer’s estimate. Funds will come from the 2012 Bond Fund proceeds.
Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the low bid from Haier Plumbing & Heating, Inc for $191,421.90. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported on the bids received for the East Last Street Storm Sewer Project. Six bids were received. Haier Plumbing and Heating Inc. of Okawville, IL was the low bidder at $217,033.30. The bid is below the engineer’s estimate. Funds will come from the 2012 Bond Fund proceeds. Council Member Donte Moore requested timetables showing the estimated completion date for these projects.
Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the low bid from Haier Plumbing & Heating, Inc for $217,033.30. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Manager:
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented a request for the Final Reallocation of Funds for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget. Bechtel explained this cleans up accounts for the auditors. Finance Director Merle Hollmann stated that the City’s line item budget is very specific. In all instances, except the Revolving Loan Fund, Health Insurance Fund, and the Downtown TIF Fund, all funds were taken from revenue or other expenditure accounts to adjust the accounts that were over budget. Hollmann is requesting that the City Council amend the original budget with the reallocation of the funds. Council Member Jim Rippy stated that he is not a fan of adjusting budgets. He asked to be provided a basic list of the adjustments. Council Member Jeff May asked how much surplus is in the budget. Hollmann replied that after the trial balances are done, the surplus is estimated at $60,000 in the General Corporate Fund after $500,000 is transferred to the Capital Fund. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported that most of surplus came from a one-time savings in the City’s commercial insurance.
Council Member Jeff May motioned to approve the request for the Final Reallocation of Funds for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Abstain: Rippy.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented a request to consent to the Assignment of Lake Miller Lease. Lincoln and Marilyn Wagner wish to transfer their lease to Gregory Scott Wagner. The Park Board reviewed and approved this request.
Council Member Mike Young motioned to approve the request to consent to the Assignment of Lake Miller Lease to Gregory Scott Wagner. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented a request for permission to seek bids for the Resurfacing of Richview Road. Bechtel explained that the 2012 Bond proceeds will fund this project. Resurfacing will be from 12th Street to 42nd Street. The estimated cost is $650,000. Council Member Donte Moore stated that many people on social media commented that other roads should be resurfaced, but Richview Road is a serious priority and a high traffic roadway.
Motion by Council Member Jim Rippy to approve the request for permission to seek bids for the Resurfacing of Richview Road. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel updated the Council on the Public Utilities Committee. Bechtel explained that the request for qualifications for water survey and sewer survey are due in her office Friday. A Public Utilities Committee meeting is set for Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 4:00 p.m., at City Hall to review the qualifications and other updates. Council Member Jim Rippy stated that he is really interested in the helium study because it is less invasive and more efficient. Bechtel stated the helium study will identify the leaks but it does not give the quality of the pipe.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel updated the Council on the 7th Street Crossing project. A meeting with Milano Rail Car and Evansville Western Railroad to negotiate the opening of the 7th Street Crossing is scheduled for Monday, June 26th at 10:30 a.m. Council Member Mike Young will attend this meeting.
City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel discussed the leaf burning issue. She asked for direction to determine the type of survey needed to obtain feedback from the citizens. Some suggestions were a Facebook or website survey, direct mail survey, or a random phone call survey. Bechtel stated that on average, 4% is a good return rate for direct mail. Mayor John Lewis stated based on political numbers and 600 random calls, the return is 250 to 300. Council Member Mike Young stated that he has spoken to many people and he suggested allowing leaf burning during the last full week of April and the 2nd full week in November excluding Sundays. He felt that 12 days out of 365 days is fair and nothing for one group of people is unfair. Council Member Jeff May asked if the City knows what a majority of citizen want and do the citizens want leaf burning. Council Member Jim Rippy stated that the City needs a good statistician. A statistician could take a small sample of residents and provide a 99% accurate feel about this issue. Council Member Donte Moore understands both sides of the issue, and he is concerned about flooding due to leaves clogging up storm sewers. Moore would like more solid numbers before changing the rules. Lewis hopes that the citizens notice that the Council is being transparent about this issue.
City Attorney:
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Article 1, Section 1.3, Subparagraph (k), paragraph “fourteen” Rules for Public Participation. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that this ordinance removes the 30-minute total time limit and allows an unlimited number of people to speak for 5 minutes. Individuals who wish to speak at the beginning of the Council Meeting can sign in and make their comments at the start of the meeting. Plus, there will also be a comment period at the end of meeting before the Mayor’s section.
Motion by Council Member Jim Rippy to adopt Ordinance #2017-26, an Ordinance Amending Article 1, Section 1.3, Subparagraph (k), paragraph “fourteen” Rules for Public Participation. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a Second Reading of an Ordinance Annexing Property located on Indian Trail having PIN 06-24-477-006 to the City of Mt. Vernon. City Manager
Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that Dean Greenwalt wishes to tap onto the City’s water system and the property is required to be annexed since it is contiguous. Council Member Donte Moore spoke on another annexation request and stated that the Council needs to remain consistent.
Motion by Council Member Donte Moore to adopt Ordinance #2017-27, an Ordinance Annexing Property located on Indian Trail having PIN 06-24-477-006 to the City of Mt. Vernon. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis. Abstain: May.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for a Go-Cart Track on Property located off North Campground Road and East Kennedy Road having PIN 07- 14-400-004 and 07-14-300-005. The petitioning party is Charlie Heck. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that even though the property is located outside the City limits, it is within the City’s 1.5-mile jurisdiction area. Nathan McKenna explained that the Zoning and Planning Commission approved the Conditional Use request 6-0, and granted a variance for this property. If this is approved, Mr. Heck will need to apply to the Jefferson County Board for an annual license. McKenna stated that there were two to three objectors along with several proponents. The Conditional Use will solely permit go-carts and no other motor vehicles. Jim Hayes and Sarah Staley spoke in favor of the Conditional Use.
Motion by Council Member Donte Moore to adopt Ordinance #2017-28, an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for a Go-Cart Track on Property located off North Campground Road and East Kennedy Road having PIN 07-14-400-004 and 07-14-300-005. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Article 6, Section 6.9, Number of Liquor License creating a Restaurant License for Funblasters. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that Funblasters is in full compliance with the liquor ordinance to serve beer and wine with food. Greg Patel, owner, hopes that this license improves his business. Brian Franklin spoke against this license saying that liquor should not be in the same environment with children. Mayor John Lewis stated that it is not up to him to tell someone how to run a business. Mr. Patel qualifies for a license and the citizens will decide if they want to support his business. Council Member Jim Rippy agreed that the government should stay out of people’s business. First Reading was held.
Mayor John Lewis presented a report showing the number of calls received by Mt. Vernon’s First Responders. In May, the Police Department responded to 1,835 calls including 78 detainable arrests, 25 warrants, 301 traffic stops, 79 accidents, and 5 DUIs. The Fire Department responded to 247 alarms including 201 medical emergencies, 4 structure fires, 2 vehicle fires, and 7 hazardous material calls.
City Council:
Council Member Donte Moore reminded the Mt. Vernon residents that pay monthly for bulk pickup. Residents need to call Republic Services by Wednesday to have pickup on Friday. Items will not be picked up unless the resident or property owner calls.
Council Member Jim Rippy asked for guidelines on how to place items on the City Council’s agenda. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel replied that an Ordinance is in place to allowing Council Members to place items on the agenda. She asked that the agenda requests be received in the City Manager’s Office no later than noon on the Friday before the regular City Council Meeting.
Executive Session:
No Executive Session was held.
Council Member Donte Moore made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy, Young, and Lewis.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.