City of Chester Parks & Recreation Committee met May 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Present: Collette Powley, Chris Koeneman, Brandy Maes, Jessica Bland, Sarah Roth, Patti Carter Absent: Steve Jany and Melinda Pierson.
Motion by Jessica to dispense with the reading of the previous meetings minutes and to approve them as distributed via email. Seconded by Sarah. Motion carries.
Chris commented that it would be easier for him to get the agenda out on time if everyone could get their agenda items to him a week before board meetings. Therefore, everyone is asked to get their agenda items to him by the first Tuesday of the month.
Public comment: none
Marketing: No report.
Cole Park report: none
Master Plan: Brandy has been working with Brenda Owen in conjunction with organizing a focus group for the master plan of Cole Park. Brandy still has some calls to make to put the focus group together. Everyone is encouraged to come up with ideas for the Master Plan.
Master Plan focus group is scheduled for May 23, 2018, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Patti distributed a handout regarding things the Mayor would like to see done as part of the master plan. Brandy commented she thinks these things could be done on a much shorter timeline than some of the more long-term things being considered.
Cohen Complex report: no report
Downtown parks report: no report
Discussion ensued regarding having better communication with the Beautification Committee regarding Smith’s Landing.
Recreation report: no report
Mission Statement: Brandy would like to have a mission statement and a vision statement that succinctly describes the purposes and mission of the Parks Board
Collette distributed a handout of a proposed mission and vision statements
Adjourned at 6:56 p.m.