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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board met August 15


Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board met Aug. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 met in the Chester Community Grade School Library on August 15, 2019. President Hammel called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Dan Colvis, Trent Vasquez, Debi Caraway, Tom Welge, Chuck Fricke, Lorin Mott, Mitch Hammel.

A motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the agenda and items as presented. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

No public comment was presented.

Grade School Maintenance Report:

 The school is ready. We have a few things to button up.

 An impeller bearing is leaking in the boiler room. HSG is getting a price.

 The hole, or chunk of flooring in the girls’ bathroom is being patched by Berry Concrete.

 Trees have been trimmed on the playground and around the telephone line to the building. Am Arbor did a great job.

 Ordering parking blocks for around the Popeye Nephew statue. An alumnus has indicated they would pay for this.

High School Maintenance Report:

 The football field has been aerated to try and soften it up. The field seems to be in really good shape right now.

 The summer cleaning is done and the building looks great. Thanks to all the summer employee’s and the night crew.

 Started taking the broken AC units in rooms 117, 216, and 217 down last week in order to save time for when the new ones arrive.

 The back parking lot is in need of some repair and resealing.

 Ordered more signs to put up in the back of the school.

Grade School Athletic Report:

 Baseball and softball games are underway. 19 games, plus 1 tournament each, will be played by the end of September.

 There is a total of 14 athletes participating in softball and 17 in baseball.

 Cross country will begin next Wednesday. Their first meet is September 10 in Marissa.

 All coaching positions for this school year will be filled as of this evening.

 Mr. Fricke inquired whether the grade school had enrolled any transfer students who fell under the new IJHSAA rule, but have not.

 The board received a schedule of upcoming athletic events.

High School Athletic Report:

 All fall practices are underway.

 The football team will have numbers in the low 60’s and will be able to field a team at every level this year.

 The volleyball team will have 30 athletes in their program and will also have teams at all three levels.

 Other numbers include golf at 15; cross country 13, cheer 9, and dance 14.

 Total number of fall athletes is 137 (12 are dual sport athletes). This equals 43% of our student body involved in athletics.

 The fall schedules are updated and am very close to finalizing contests with all possible opponents. Underclassmen football still has a significant number of open dates.

 The orange pocket calendars are almost complete.

 All schedules and coaching contacts are uploaded onto the high school website.

 IHSA website has been updated with new staff and contact information. Also, all certifications and registration has been submitted to the IHSA. We are ready to start our 2019-2020 athletic season.

 Mr. Blechle informed the Board that Colbert gym floor was refinished this summer, but Juergens gym has been placed on a schedule of every other year. This is due to the limited use of the gym, as well as costs.

 Although it has been 10 years since the track has been resurfaced, it is the opinion of Mr. Blechle that it is still in good shape and recommends stretching it out.

 The cut of the football field has been raised 1⁄4” which seems to have helped and the field is looking the best it has in years.

 CHS has one more year in the BDC before schools are to play within their IHSA assigned districts.

Grade School Principal’s Report:

 Registration was held July 28-31. The first year of online registration was a success and received a lot of positive comments on the change. Mr. Grafton thanked Mrs. Meyer for helping with the process.

 HVAC construction is complete. The unit has been up and running for several weeks now. All of the teachers are back in their classrooms preparing for the school year.

 The ice cream truck made a visit to the grade school with a special treat for staff members.

 Open House was held on August 14. PTS was there to provide hot dogs, chips, and water for our students. Mrs. Gonzalez had a Japan display case in the lobby.

 Students returned to school on August 15. The day ran smoothly primarily due to para’s stepping in and directing students and parents.

 A bus evacuation drill is scheduled for September 5.

 Mrs. Caraway inquired how class size with the addition of a kindergarten and first grade teacher are looking. Mr. Grafton stated that first grade is averaging 15 students each and kindergarten teachers are still in the process of screening students, but is looking to be approximately 13 to 14 in each class.

 Discussion for a more convenient parking area or option for handicapped persons during events at the grade school.

 Mr. Fricke asked if there was a reason why the middle door to the lobby at the grade school was not unlocked for events. He was informed that this door is not one that would normally be unlocked for entrance to events, but that it is accessible for exiting.

 Mr. Grafton introduced Kailey Mena to the Board of Education. Ms. Mena is being recommended for the 5th grade teaching position and as cheerleading coach.

High School Principal’s Report:

 The registration process has gone smoothly again this year. We continue to add steps to the online process to help make it as time efficient as possible.

 The office had a small makeover this summer and is looking great.

 Mr. Guebert ran Freshmen Academy on August 1.

 The first day schedule for students was run in the same fashion as last year.

 CHS welcomes Angela Werner and LaVerne Misselhorn.

 Yondr was present to discuss the pouches with students.

 We received a thank you from the Food Pantry for use of the parking lot in June.

 Class of 1983 would like to hold a 5K the morning of Saturday, October 5, 2019, to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation on behalf of a classmate that has been diagnosed. The race will start and end around the cafeteria area of the high school.

 Sports are beginning this month.

 The CEO program consists of 2 students this year.

 CHS enrollment is at 377.

 Mr. Fricke requested that clarification of the appeal process within the Code of Conduct is re-evaluated for future handbooks.

Superintendent’s Report:

 ISBE has allocated an additional $436,229 for fiscal year 2020 through their EBF model.

 The budget hearing will be held in September.

 Requesting approval for the 3rd payment to A&W Plumbing and Heating this evening for the amount of $44,450.10. This includes a single change order for a cut through a concrete wall. The final payment will be approximately $10,000, which is the contingency amount.

 The board received an attachment for three AC unit replacements at the high school.

 The front steps of the high school were replaced at the end of July.

 An announcement to bid on the old drafting tables should be in the paper this week.

 The original ISBE approved amount for bond issues for HLS was $393,264, based on our most recent review. We have appealed this to help cover more of the cost of the HVAC project. The district received an A rating from S&P Global Ratings in conjunction with the possible Bond 2019 sale/refinance.

 The board room is currently being used as a classroom, thus moving our meetings to the library.

 Computers and servers have been installed.

 We are continuing to have issues with announcements at both schools. QNS and CTS are working to resolve the issue.

 The Board received PRESS Plus 101 policy recommendations from Superintendent Pasero.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to enter into executive session at 7:37 p.m. for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and for collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to return to open session at 8:33 p.m. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Welge to approve the consent agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

 Minutes of July 18, 2019, BINA hearing, regular meeting, and executive session;  Bills in the amount of $511,796.47 and payroll in the amount of $384,263.45;

 Financial reports.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to conduct the second reading and approve the 2019-2020 Extracurricular Code of Conduct. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to conduct the second reading and adopt PRESS Plus 101 policies as recommended by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the tentative budget of Chester School District 139 be placed on file for public inspection and to adopt the resolution to hold a budget hearing at 7:00 p.m. on September 19, 2019, prior to the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve payment to contractors and subcontractors for completed HVAC project work as presented in the amount of $44,450.10. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve payment for services to a Perandoe social worker for one day per week during the 2019-2020 school year totaling no more than $16,518. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the agreement with Shannon Glaser for transporting a student to and from PEP during the 2019-2020 school year at.58 cents per mile. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Fricke to accept the resignation of the following. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

 Beth Brown as volunteer track coach effective August 6, 2019

 Beth Brown as high school prom sponsor effective August 6, 2019

 Sophia Durbin as high school prom sponsor effective August 12, 2019

 Chandra Adams as PEP bus aide

 Donna Clendenin as School Treasurer as of August 15, 2019

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mr. Fricke to employ Kailey Mena as grade school cheerleading coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to appoint Laura Brockmeyer as School Treasurer at $1,400 for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Fricke to employ Amy Ahlenius as a 7 1⁄2 hour grade school paraprofessional at $9.34 per hour for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Colvis to employ Kailey Mena as 5th grade teacher for the 2019- 2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Welge to employ LaVerne Misselhorn as high school special education teacher for the 3 hours per day during the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to reassign Sarah Norman as full-time high school English teacher for the 2019-2020 school year as recommended by administration. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to adjourn at 8:44 p.m. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 7 yea, 0 nay; Motion carried.



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