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Addison School District 4 Board of Education met May 24

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board President Williams called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Roll call showed the following individuals:

PRESENT: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


A quorum was declared present.

Mr. Keeley led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion #1: Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Ms. Bollig to approve the Minutes of the Special, Closed and Regular Session Meetings of April 26, 2023.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #1 Carried.

Motion #2: Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of May 2023

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Accounts Payable for May 2023.

Educational Fund $ 933,255.05

Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 386,899.09

Debt Fund $ 0.00

Transportation Fund $ 318,988.87

Capital Projects Fund $ 398,379.54

Working Cash Fund $ 0.00

Student Activity $ 32,114.37

Total $2,069,636.92

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig


NAY: None…Motion #2 Carried.

Motion #3: Approval of Payroll for the Month of April 2023

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Ms. Bollig to approve the Payroll for April 2023, as follows:

Education Fund $3,557,818.82

Building Fund $ 46,940.98

Transportation Fund $ 7,836.18

IMRF/SS Fund $ 82,170.29

Total $3,694,766.27

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo


NAY: None…Motion #3 Carried.

Communications/Public Participation on Agenda Items: None


• Dean Constantopoulos, Director of Communications and Community Relations recognized the final round winner for The Addison Great Shake. This event will become an annual competition. Gigi then encouraged the Student Council officers to participate when they get to Indian Trail.

• Student Council Recognition: Mr. Williams, Board President, began the presentation by welcoming all parents, Student Council officers and sponsors to the meeting. He also noted that it is a pleasure to honor the future leaders of tomorrow at this special gathering. At this time, each administrator, Student Council sponsors and officers were introduced from each individual school. A brief synopsis of the Student Council activities that took place in each school was given by the officers. Each student received a pin, and the sponsors were honored with a token of appreciation. A short recess was called following the presentation.

Committee Reports:

Legislative Education Network of DuPage (LEND) Meeting of April 28, 2023

• Mr. Williams shared that dues will increase by 5% and there will be changes to the Executive Board. He highlighted that there is a proposed bill for all day Kindergarten, but that won’t affect us, since we already have that. There is also a new State Superintendent.

Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting of May 2, 2023

• Mr. Ruffolo shared that with the new positions there is a need for additional office space in the District Office. So, there will be some renovations to the District Office to accommodate these needs. This summer’s capital improvement projects will be at Stone and the HVAC systems are in and ready to install once school is out. The Maintenance Department will be busy this summer working on a variety of projects throughout each school.

Budget Committee Meeting of May 24, 2023

• Mr. Williams shared that the committee reviewed some changes since their March meeting, including an increase in dental insurance and the addition of renovations at the District Office. At the June Board meeting we will have a tentative budget hearing and then in September the final budget will be shared for Board approval.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Lohse reported on behalf of Dr. Sutton on the following:

• Tonight, we will be recommending two Assistant Directors. Also, an Assistant Director of Biliteracy. I am excited to see these positions come to fruition and am confident they will result in positive impacts relative to the data presentation in March.

• Tonight, we will also be recommending the next assistant principal at Indian Trail Jr. High School.

• Tonight, I am recommending some new positions relative to curriculum and technology/data. I am excited to potentially add this additional support and am confident the Board will see positive outcomes as a result.

• The final round took place on May 12. I want to thank Arbor Management for their participation, the Village for hosting, Don Weiss for the video production, and our three wonderful finalists that represented the junior high so well. While we had one individual winner, I am proud of all students that participated and am excited to see this continue next year.

• We had another Community Coffee Chat on Friday, May 19. 5 individuals attended, and we are thrilled with the community’s continued interest in these types of events.

• Many thanks to the ASD4 Family Liaisons for hosting the second annual Summer Kick-Off Celebration on Friday, May 12th at Indian Trail JHS. This event served 89 Addison families and 532 people attended. This event provided them access to clothing, books, games, ice cream, and fun. Thanks to all our ASD4 employees and community partners for the significant clothing donation of 178 bags to help support this event!

• Congratulations to Jennifer Nava, former Army Trail and Indian Trail student, for winning the annual Brooke Marshall Scholarship. Brooke was a first-grade teacher at Army Trail Elementary School who lost her battle with cancer in May 2009. She valued the benefits of a college education and recognized that many of her students may not have the opportunity to attend college. In her honor, the Marshall family established an annual scholarship for a graduating ATHS senior who attended Army Trail Elementary School pursuing a college education. Tom Marshall and his sons awarded Jennifer with $5,000 and a new laptop computer to help her succeed in college. Thank you to the Marshall family for their generosity to the Army Trail and Addison community!

• Thank you to all of the students and families here tonight for our student council presentations. These students are leaders, and it is exciting to hear about the impacts you are having on your schools.

• We had two Freedom of Information Act Requests and Dr. Lohse responded.

Assistant Superintendent for Business – Mr. Tim Keeley reported on the following:

• Employee Benefits Open Enrollment, many thanks to Jen Bonnema, we are confident that those that wanted to enroll had the opportunity to do so.

• Again, this year, we will be making the necessary fund balance transfers to fund future capital improvement projects. This will take place at tonight’s Board of Education meeting.

• We are nearing the kickoff of our 2023 summer renovations at Stone School. We want to thank the Buildings and Grounds Committee for their continued guidance and support. Specifically, this year the committee and the Board as a whole were receptive to our strategy to make a direct purchase of mechanical equipment via a cooperative purchasing contract. This was a change from our standard operations and was necessary to combat the pandemic-fueled supply chain delays seen across the industry. We are pleased to report that the units arrived 2 weeks ago and ahead of schedule! We will keep all informed of the progress and any adjustments to this schedule once work begins.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Report – Dr. Polson reported on behalf of Dr. Purse on the following:

• Our District School Improvement Planning final benchmark for the year was two prong. Staff reported on their use of four different instructional practices from the beginning of the year until now as part of the collective efficacy portion. Building Leadership Teams focused PD on one area of development (most of them Questioning) with the exception of Indian Trail which focused PD on student engagement as well as feedback on instructional practices. The second part we monitored was academic achievement related to Reading and specifically the standard of RI.1. Teams set goals of increasing academic achievement in reading as measured by NWEA MAP progress. Overall, most schools met or exceeded their collective efficacy goal. Our academic achievement progress is moving in the right direction, but not where we want to be long term in our data trends. 50% of grade levels by school across the district made growth from Fall to Spring. Three of our buildings at the kindergarten level were at the 85% tile or higher to finish the year. 32% of our cohort data shows that we are making progress toward closing the achievement gap.

• The Teaching & Learning Department is hosting two book studies this summer. One book is titled Teaching Reading in Spanish and the other is called Moving Beyond for Multilingual Learners. The summer book studies are open to all staff and provide an opportunity to work at your own pace while still having the chance to engage with peers in professional conversations. We are fortunate to have the authors of both books make an appearance in our group check-ins and speak directly about their experiences and why they wrote the book. #estudioenjunio #PDintheSun #ASD4ALL

• Most of our staff from our Dual Language or EL Resource programs are signed up to attend Viva Biliteracy. We are excited to host consultants from the Center for Teaching for Biliteracy on site to provide three days of customized in-person Professional Development from June 6-8.

• We received our preliminary ACCESS scores from the state. Eighty-two students districtwide have met the ISBE criteria for reclassification - 46 of those students are part of our dual language program. Newly reclassified students (now former ELs) will be monitored for two years. Students who are currently enrolled in the Dual Language program will continue in that placement as former ELs. A total of 1,741 students sat for ACCESS testing in grades K-8 this school year.

• Last month I shared that the Teaching and Learning Department has engaged in dialogue with teacher leaders about the adoption of a new curriculum. After careful consideration, we will not be adopting a new Health Curriculum yet. The pilot team would like to continue to explore all options out there. However, we will expand our elementary social science adoption of Studies Weekly in Kindergarten through Fifth grades. A small group of teachers have piloted the materials and feel it will meet our needs while being aligned to the new standards. Also, it will be beneficial to have a primary resource available now that we are formalizing our English Content Allocation to begin in kindergarten and go through eighth grade in all dual language programming.

• The Kindergarten Carnival is sure to be a FUN event. We are excited to partner with various groups and community resources to make this happen. The Carnival will be held on Friday, June 2nd from 3:00-7:00 at Indian Trail.

Motion #4: Approval of Personnel Report

Motion by Mr. Lange,second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the personnel report for the following individuals:


Julianna Bartello

Position: Primary SSP Teacher

School: Lake Park

Effective Date: 05/30/2023

Sarah Reece

Position: Speech Language Pathologist

School: Stone

Effective Date: 05/30/2023

Jennifer Zanayed

Position: SSP Teacher

School: Lake Park

Effective Date: 05/30/2023

Ivonne Zelka

Position: Dual Language Kindergarten

School: Stone

Effective Date: 05/30/2023


Bertha Brizuela

Position: Dual Language Intervention

School: Wesley

Effective Date: 8/14/2023

Nicole Ciccione

Position: Physical Education

School: Indian Trail

Effective Date: 8/14/2023

Jaqueline Medrano

Position: 3rd Grade Dual Language

School: Fullerton

Effective Date: 8/14/2023

Karla Mendieta

Position: Dual Language Kindergarten

School: Stone

Effective Date: 8/14/2023

Olga Padilla Brown

Position: Social Worker

School: Indian Trail

Effective Date: 8/14/2023

Yasmin Ruiz

Position: 4th Grade Dual Language

School: Army Trail

Effective Date: 8/14/2023


Wedad Ayesh

Position: Special Ed Paraeducator

School: Stone

Effective Date: 05/30/2023

Patricia Kelly

Position: Health Aide

School: Wesley

Effective Date: 05/30/2023


Cecilia Benitez

Position: Registered Nurse

School: Fullerton

Effective Date: 08/14/2023

Fernando Padua

Position: Special Ed Paraeducator

School: Army Trail

Effective Date: 05/15/2023

Rosalinda Perez

Position: Special Ed Paraeducator

School: Stone

Effective Date: 04/27/2023


Rosalinda Perez

Position: Special Ed Paraeducator

School: Stone

Effective Date: 05/16/2023

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #4 Carried.

Motion #5: Approval of New Administrator Employment Contracts

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the New Administrator Employment Contracts for the following individual:


Bianca Magana

Position: Assistant Director of Biliteracy

School: District Office

Effective Date: 07/01/2023

Amanda Guida

Position: Assistant Director of Student Support Services

School: District Office

Effective Date: 07/01/2023

Janette Barrett

Position: Assistant Director of Student Support Services

School: District Office

Effective Date: 07/01/2023

John Nickas

Position: Assistant Principal

School: Indian Trail

Effective Date: 07/01/2023

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange


NAY: None…Motion #5 Carried.

Motion #6: Approval of Data Management Specialist Job Description

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Data Management Specialist Job Description, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo


NAY: None…Motion #6 Carried.

Motion #7: Authorization to Post for a Data Management Specialist

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Ms. Bollig to authorize the posting for a Data Management Specialist, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos


NAY: None…Motion #7 Carried.

Motion #8: Approval of Curriculum Coordinator Job Description

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Curriculum Coordinator Job Description, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #8 Carried.

Motion #9: Authorization to Post for 2 Curriculum Coordinators

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to authorize the posting for two Curriculum Coordinators, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig


Board of Education Meeting Minutes Page 7 May 24, 2023

NAY: None…Motion #9 Carried.

Motion #10: Approval of Regular Education Transportation Contract Extension Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Regular Education Transportation Contract Extension, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo


NAY: None…Motion #10 Carried.

Motion #11: Approval of 2023 District Office & Technology Renovations

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the 2023 District Office & Technology Renovations, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #11 Carried.

Mr. Frangidakis asked if it will be utilizing the same space. Mr. Keeley explained that the Technology Department will move into a renovated storage room downstairs, so we can use that space for offices. The copy room will also be shifted, so that space can now be for everyone in the Business Department.

Motion #12: Approval of Teacher Laptop RFP

Motion by Mr. Frangidakis, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Teacher Laptop RFP, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange


NAY: None…Motion #12 Carried.

Mr. Frangidakis asked about the pilot program. Mr. Kucko shared information on the results and staff preferences. Mr. Ruffolo mentioned not being familiar with this company and it is one that we have worked with a bit in the past. Mr. Triantafillos asked about our plan to erase the current laptops and a third party will wipe the hard drives.

Motion #13: Approval of 2023-2024 Food Service Meal Prices

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the 2023-2024 Food Service Meal Prices, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Bollig, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo ABSENT: None

NAY: Triantafillos, Castillo…Motion #13 Carried.

Mr. Castillo asked about student feedback. We do survey the students and the results are available in discussion items. This is our last year before going out to bid. Mr. Triantafillos asked if we’re locked into the contract and can we make changes? Mr. Keeley provide information on the national school lunch program, COVID roll over, and RFP time to request.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes Page 8 May 24, 2023

Motion #14: Approval of Appointment of School Treasurer and Renewal of Treasurer’s Bond Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Appointment of School Treasurer and Renewal of Treasurer’s Bond, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos


NAY: None…Motion #14 Carried.

Motion #15: Approval of Resolution to Transfer Funds from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Capital Projects Fund

Motion by Ms. Bollig, second by Mr. Lange to Resolution to Transfer Funds from the Operations and Maintenance Fund to the Capital Projects Fund, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #15 Carried.

Motion #16: Approval of Donation with a Value of $2,500 or More

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the Donation with a Value of $2,500 or More, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig


NAY: None…Motion #16 Carried.

Motion #17: Waiver of 2nd Reading and Approval of Board Policy Updates

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to Waiver the 2nd reading and approve the Board Policy Updates, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo


NAY: None…Motion #17 Carried.

Motion #18: Approval of Amended 2023-2024 Board Meeting Calendar

Motion by Mr. Triantafillos, second by Mr. Frangidakisto approve the Amended 2023-2024 Board Meeting Calendar, as presented.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #18 Carried.

Please note that the June, July and December Board meetings will now be at 5:00pm, with the other months being at 6:00pm.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at Indian Trail Jr. High Board Room at 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIME.

• The Indian Trail Junior High School Promotional Exercise took place on May 23, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Addison Trail High School.

• The last day of classes for students in the 2022-2023 school year will be May 30, 2023. • Dr. Lohse shared a 2023-2024 Enrollment Update.

• Mr. Keeley shared 2023 Student Lunch Survey Results.

• The Joint Annual Conference (IASB/IASA/IASBO) dates are November 17-19, 2023.

• There were no Communications To and From the Board.

Communications/Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items: None

Miscellaneous/Unfinished Business: None

Motion #19: Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Ms. Bollig to adjourn the Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Board of Education meeting.

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE: Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange


NAY: None…Motion #19 Carried.

The regular Board of Education meeting adjourned at 8:29p.m.




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