Matt Buettner, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Waterloo
Matt Buettner, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Waterloo
City of Waterloo City Council met Feb. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Darter at 7:30 p.m.
2. The following Aldermen were present: Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most.
3. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Stan Darter.
4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor.
Mayor Darter requested that an Executive Session for the Discussion of Personnel, as provided by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), be added to the agenda for this evening as Item 12E.
Motion to approve an Executive Session for the Discussion of Personnel as provided by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) to be added to the agenda for this evening as Item 12E was made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Row.
Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended.
Approval of the January 21, 2025, City Council Meeting Minutes.
Motion made by Alderman Vogt and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to approve the January 21, 2025, City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most voting ‘aye’.
6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None.
7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers.
A. Report of Treasurer. No report.
B. Report of Collector. No report.
C. Report of Subdivision Administrator & Zoning Administrator. No report.
D. Report of Deputy Director of Public Works. No report.
E. Report of Director of Public Works – The solid separator was received today for the water plant. Installation will begin tomorrow, with testing starting next week.
F. Report of Chief of Police. No report.
G. Report of City Attorney. No report.
H. Report and Communication by Mayor.
1. Waterloo Beautification Check Presentation in the Amount of $4,115.00 to Innovations Early Childhood Center at 221 Bradford Lane.
8. Report of Standing Committees. None.
9. Report of Special Committees. None.
10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen.
A. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 25-02 Authorizing Access Control for the Proposed Rogers Street North and Country Club Lane Realignment and Rose Lane Extension Improvement.
Motion made by Alderman Vogt and seconded by Alderman Row to approve Resolution No. 25-02 Authorizing Access Control for the Proposed Rogers Street North and Country Club Lane Realignment and Rose Lane Extension Improvement.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most voting ‘aye’.
11. Unfinished Business. None.
12. Miscellaneous Business.
A. Consideration and Action on Warrant No. 646.
Motion made by Alderman Kyle Buettner and seconded by Alderman Most to approve Warrant No. 646.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, and Charron voting ‘aye’.
B. Consideration and Action on Approval of Proposal from 618 Creative for the Design & Development of the City of Waterloo Website at a One-Time Total Cost Not to Exceed $12,000.00; and, for the Monthly Hosting and Maintenance Package after the New Site is Live at a Monthly Cost of $120.00.
Motion made by Alderman Charron and seconded by Alderman Hopkins on Approval of Proposal from 618 Creative for the Design & Development of the City of Waterloo Website at a One-Time Total Cost Not to Exceed $12,000.00; and, for the Monthly Hosting and Maintenance Package after the New Site is Live at a Monthly Cost of $120.00.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, and Trantham voting ‘aye’.
C. Consideration and Action on Purchase of Five (5) Taser Packages from Axon Enterprise, Inc. in the Amount of $19,845.00 for the Waterloo Police Department. Motion made by Alderman Kyle Buettner and seconded by Alderman Most on Approval to Purchase Five (5) Taser Packages from Axon Enterprise, Inc. in the Amount of $19,845.00 for the Waterloo Police Department.
Comments: The city received a grant that will cover all but $4,159.00 of the cost.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, and Charron voting ‘aye’.
D. Consideration and Action on a Solicitation Request from the Rotary Club of Monroe County for their Annual Bucket Brigade Fundraiser to be held on Saturday, June 7, 2025, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Intersections of Rogers / Hamacher and Main / Mill.
Motion made by Alderman Charron and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to approve a Solicitation Request from the Rotary Club of Monroe County for their Annual Bucket Brigade Fundraiser to be held on Saturday, June 7, 2025, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Intersections of Rogers / Hamacher and Main / Mill.
Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, and Trantham voting ‘aye’.
E. Consideration and Action on Executive Session for the Discussion of Personnel as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
Motion to move into Executive Session made by Alderman Row and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner.
Motion passed unanimously to enter into Executive Session with Aldermen Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, and Kyle Buettner voting ‘aye’. Entered Executive Session at 7:39 p.m.
Adjourned Executive Session at 7:58 p.m.
Motion to Resume Session made by Alderman Most and seconded by Alderman Vogt. Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Return to regular session at 7:58 p.m.
13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline. Alderman Vogt inquired whether the LED light mentioned by Ms. RuAnna Stumpf at the last City Council meeting had been addressed. The Mayor confirmed that it had and that Ms. Stumpf was satisfied with the results.
Mayor Darter announced that due to the postal delays, the late fees for utility bills for this month only will be waived.
14. Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Vogt and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner. Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Darter adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.